Functional Chart

Duties of the University President

  1. Ensure that the IAS fully discharges its internal audit function;
  2. Provide insights on, review, verify the veracity of, and approve internal audit plans and reports;
  3. Discuss the internal audit findings and recommendations with other senior or key officials/personnel concerned in the agency, as necessary;
  4. Ensure timely distribution of audit reports to management/auditees for implementation of the approved audit findings and recommendations;
  5. Lead the implementation of the approved audit findings and recommendations;
  6. Instruct senior/key officials/personnel concerned in the agency to undertake necessary actions, including the development/refinement of certain policies/guidelines to avoid occurrence (preventive action) or recurrence (corrective action) of control weaknesses and incidences;
  7. Ensure the monitoring of the implementation of approved recommendations so that preventive and corrective measures are applied to address control weaknesses/incidences after a reasonable period from the report submission date; and
  8. Periodically review the performance of the internal audit, as part of supervision and control.

Duties of the Head Internal Audit

  1. Ensures the efficient and effective delivery of the Internal Audit functions;
  2. Leads the development of BAICS based strategic plan and annual work plan;
  3. Recommends approval of the strategic plan and annual work plan to the University President;
  4. Approves audit engagement plans or audit programs;
  5. Monitors progress of audit projects toward accomplishment of the annual work plan and conducts coaching and mentoring of staffs whenever necessary;
  6. Prepares and sends notice of audit to auditee;
  7. reviews and approves requests for documents needed in carrying out the audit engagements;
  8. Reviews and approves written internal audit reports and audit follow-up reports prior to submission to the University President;
  9. Reviews and approves audit working papers;
  10. Reviews and approves audit follow-up reports prior to submission to the University President;
  11. Conducts audit client survey after the audit;
  12. Determines training needs of staff;
  13. Responsible for work performance and discipline of staff;
  14. Assesses performance of staffs; and
  15. Performs other tasks as may be assigned by the University President.

Duties of the Internal Auditor III

  1. Leads the conduct compliance, management and operations audits;
  2. Conducts research on laws, rules and regulations applicable to the audit engagement;
  3. Prepares the audit engagement plan for the approval of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit.
  4. Assigns and clarifies work assignments of members of the audit team;
  5. Leads the conduct of entry and exit conferences with auditee and concerned personnel;
  6. Determines the gaps/deficiencies in internal control and what needs to be done to come out with corrective and preventive actions;
  7. Reviews findings and recommendations of audit team for completeness and conformance to audit plan, standards and guidelines;
  8. Discusses audit results with the auditee/s prior to finalization of report;
  9. Drafts the consolidated internal audit report;
  10. Conducts audit follow-up of approved recommendations for implementation, partial implementation, and non-implementation;
  11. Discusses audit follow-up results with the auditee/s prior to the preparation of Audit Follow-up Report; and
  12. Does related work as may be assigned by the Head of the Internal Audit.

Duties of the Internal Auditor II

  1. Assists the audit team leader in the preparation of audit engagement plan;
  2. Conducts research on laws, rules and regulations applicable to the audit engagement;
  3. Assists the audit team leader in the conduct of entry and exit conferences with auditee and concerned personnel;
  4. Assists the audit team leader in the conduct compliance, management and operations audits;
  5. Discusses audit results with the audit team leader prior to finalization of report;
  6. Discusses audit follow-up results with the audit team leader prior to the preparation of Audit Follow-up Report; and
  7. Does related work as may be assigned by the Head of the Internal Audit.

Duties of the Internal Auditor I

  1. Under general supervision, conducts research on laws, rules and regulations applicable to the audit engagement;
  2. Assists the audit team in the conduct of entry and exit conferences with auditee and concerned personnel;
  3. Assists the audit team in the conduct compliance, management and operations audits;
  4. Discusses audit results with the audit team;
  5. Discusses audit follow-up results with the audit team; and
  6. Does related work as may be assigned by the Head of the Internal Audit.